Title | To whom | Date | Presentation |
LHC status and plans | ATLAS | June 15 | pptx |
LHC status and plans | Blois | June 15 | pptx |
LHC status | LHCC | June 2015 | pptx |
LHC - status and beyond | Moriond | March 2015 | pptx |
LHC Machine Status Report | LHCC | November 2014 | indico |
Chamonix summary | October 2014 | indico | |
Status and plans | LHC days - Split | September 14 | pptx |
LHC and beyond | Physics dept. - Manchester University | Feb 14 | pptx (big!) |
LHC and future | Atlas school | Jan 14 | pptx |
LHC, HL-LHC and beyond | EPS13 - Stockholm | July 2013 | pptx |
First years of luminosity production | IPAC13 | May 2013 | pptx |
LHC introduction | FAPPS | October 11 | pptx |
LHC status | GridPP | September 11 | pptx |
LHC from commissioning to operations | IPAC11 | September 11 | pptx |
Status of LHC | Istanbul | June 11 | pptx |
Status and plans | SLHC Saclay | Feb 11 | pptx |
Status and plans | LHC first data - Ann Arbor | Dec 10 | pptx |
LHC commissioning & short term | LHC days - Split | Oct 10 | |
LHC Status | CMS Aachen | Sept 10 | |
LHC Status and plans | DIS | April 10 | pptx |
LHC Status and plans | Moriond | March 10 | pptx |
Outline of commissioning plans | LMC | 18/11/09 | |
LHC status & plans | LHCb week | September 09 | pptx |
LHC status & plans | CMS week | September 09 | pptx |
LHC Operations 2009-2010 | Atlas executive board | August 09 | |
LHC - status & commissioning | Moriond - La Thuile | March 09 | |
Chamonix 2009 | |||
10th September 2008 | |||
Status of LHC | EPPOG | Oct 08 | pptx |
Status of LHC | LHC/Hera workshop | May 08 | ppt |
Status of LHC | Aspen | Jan 08 | ppt |
LHC commissioning plans & alignment issues | Alignment workshop | June 07 | |
LHC status and commissioning plans | CMS | June 07 | |
LHC intro & status | Bielefeld University | May 07 | |
LHC status and commissioning plans | LPNHE, Paris | April 07 | |
LHC status and commissioning plans | LAPP, Annecy | March 07 | ppt |
LHC startup plans | Atlas week | October 06 | ppt |
Machine status & commissioning plans | LECC 2006 | September 06 | |
Machine Plans | CMS Startup | September 06 | ppt |
Machine Plans (2007 - 2008 - overview) | 1st LHC AlignmentWorkshop | September 06 | ppt |
Chamonix 2006 | |||
Chamonix 2005 - session 1 | |||
LHC commissioning | CMS technical committee | June 2005 | |
LHC commissioning and interaction with the experiments | TeV4LHC | April 2005 | ppt |
LHC commissioning with beam - overall strategy | Chamonix XIV | January 2005 | |
Tevatron commissioning & operating experience | Chamonix XIV | January 2005 |