Day |
Summary |
Link to report from morning meeting |
Monday, 30th May |
- 01:00 Injection for physics fill #1816
- 02:00 Stable beams fill #1816, luminosity ~1.2x1033 cm-2s-1
issue |
Sunday, 29th May |
- 01:00 Injection for physics fill #1813
- 03:15 Stable beams, peak luminosity ~1.0x1033 cm-2s-1
- 04:45 Beam dumped by an UFO in 28.L8
- 07:00 Fill and ramp for loss map and test dynamic
betastar limits for collimator gaps
- 08:30 Dump with loss map and recycle for filling
- 09:30 Filling with 1092 x 1092 bunches, fill #1815
- 10:53 Stable beams fill #1815, luminosity ~1.25x1033 cm-2s-1
- 21:30 Dumped by fault on RCBXH2.R1 - QPS.
Integrated luminosity of fill 1815 37.8 pb-1 - new record.
meeting |
Saturday, 28th May |
- 00:30 beam dumped. FMCM on RD1.LR5 - electrical
- Refill. Beam dumped on flat top - again electrical
perturbation. FMCM RD1.LR5, RB23 off.
- MTG problems. Switch to MTGB.
- 08:15 Stable beam fill #1812, initial luminosity
~1x1033 cm-2s-1
- MTGA repaired by CO.
- 18:45 Adjust mode, RF off tests. Integrated
luminosity 31.7 pb-1 (CMS) - new LHC record for a fill.
- 20:00 Beam dumped. Tested SIS interlock on total voltage
(after dump).
- 21:00 Access for QPS and UPS.
meeting |
Friday, 27th May |
- 05:20 Cryo back
- 07:00 Injection of first beam
- 08:45 Cryo unstable & RF system reboot
- 11:00 Loss maps at injection, TDI and TCLI position
check. BPF limit checked to be slightly below 1E9.
- 16:00 Filling 912x912.
- 18:30 Dumped at 563 GeV - new RF total voltage
- new RF total voltage interlock deactivated.
- 22:40 Stable beam fill #1809, initial lumi
1.09x1033 cm-2s-1
Cryogenics |
Thursday, 26th May |
- Cryo recovery
- Energy dependent RF voltage interlock implemented
Wednesday, 25th May |
- 02:43 Beam dump fill #1805, RF cfv-sr4-allfo1 power
supply down.
Integrated lumi 11.4 pb-1
- Access for change of RF freq. crate
- 05:45 Injecting for fill #1806
- 08:20 fill #1806 stable beams. Initial lumi
1x1033 cm-2s-1
- 11:20 Beam dumped, cryogenics problem. Delivered lumi
10.2 pb-1
- Cryo recovery
meeting |
Tuesday, 24th May |
- 12:20 beam dumped, RF interlock beam 1. Integrated
luminosity 29 pb-1.
- Access for RF
- 17:30 Loss maps with injection protection in
- 18:30 Fill # 1805: Injection for physics
- 23:25 Stable beams. Initial lumi
1x1033 cm-2s-1
08:30 meeting |
23rd May |
- 08:00 restart, set up injection
- 09:30 Stable beam fill #1803 912 bunches - Initial lumi
8.5x1032 cm-2s-1
- 18:00-19:00 reduce solenoid currents in steps to 0 -
little effect on backgrounds.
- 19:45 dump #1803.
- Filling delayed - SPS bunch length issues.
- 02:00 Stable beam fill #1804 912 bunches - Initial lumi
1x1033 cm-2s-1
08:30 meeting |