LHC 2012 - latest news

Week 13: Machine coordinators : Ralph Assmann, Jorg Wenninger

Beam Commissioning Planning




Link to report from morning meeting

Monday 2nd April
  • 06:00 Dump qualification test at 2 TeV
  • 08:00 Access to prepare for stable beams
8:30 meeting
Sunday 1st April
  • Refill with 2 nominal bunches per beam.
  • 03:20 Setting up collisions. Problems in CMS due to previous incorporation of corrections.
  • 06:15 Collisions found in IR5. Start of RP alignment for TOTEM and ALFA.
  • 11:00 Beam dumped with octupole trim.
  • 12:00 Injection and dump at 450 GeV.
  • 20:00 BI shift
9:00 meeting
Saturday 31th March
  • 03:00 Loss map betatron and -500 Hz off-momentum at 4 TeV unsqueezed.
  • 04:00 Un-squeeze to 500m and 1km beta* (dry run) - OK.
  • 06:00 Asynchronous beam dump test at 4 TeV unsqueezed. 
  • 07:00 Loss maps at injection (with injection protection in).
  • 11:00 Check of TCSG6 alignment and loss maps.
  • 17:00 Ramp and squeeze for TCT alignment at the end of  the squeeze.
  • 22:00 End of TCT setup at end of squeeze.
  • Moving to collisions for RP alignment.
9:00 meeting
Friday 30th March
  • 02:00 End of injection.dump work.
  • 04:00 Optics checks at 0.6 m.
  • 10:30 End of optics corrections and measurements. MPS tests on each beam at 4 TeV: switch off PC on MSD at 4 TeV with probe - FMCMs trigger.
  • 13:00 Ramp 4 bunches for RF blowup 'study'. Ramp OK.
  • 14:45 Ramp 2 bunches for blowup check - OK. Carry on to collisions.
  • 17:40 Colliding for the first time at 4 TeV with nominal bunches.
  • 18:30 All IPs optimized.
  • 20:00 TCT alignment in collision.
  • 23:00 TCT & TCLP aligned.
  • Loss maps in collision.
8:30 meeting
Thursday 29th March
  • 05:39 Injection for collimation setup at 4 TeV (2 nominal bunches, increased emittance)
  • 06:19 Ramp
  • 06:49 Start collimation setup at 4 TeV. Still RF blowup issues.
  • 15:00 Collimator setup at 4 TeV completed. Betatron loss map, dp/p loss map +500 Hz.
  • 17:00 Electrical perturbation, some circuits off.
  • 19:00 Injection and dump work.
8:30 meeting
Wednesday 28th March
  • 05:40 Lost S78 - QPS controller.
  • Access for QPS and RB.A78.
  • 09:30 Precycle. RQ6.L7 tripped during precycle.
  • 10:39 QPS experts have reset RQ6.L7B. The trip was due to a zero-crossing voltage spike of PC. Spike was exceeding the filter capacity of the detection system, which in consequence tripped the circuit.
  • 11:08 FBCT ... both crates rebooted by the experts.
  • 11:50 OFC down.
  • 12:57 Still connection problems with OFSU between OFSU and connected devices. Fixed ramp functions for TCT's in IR8.
  • 13:06 Start ramp with 2 nominal bunches per beam. RF blow-up on. Transverse emittance large, as requested (4.5 micron norm.).
  • 13:43 Start of 4 TeV collimation alignment.
  • 15:53 Beams dumped due to beam loss, induced by longitudinal beam instability (phase loop with zero gain) and a small orbit correction.
  • 16:23 Cavity 3B1 tripped. Calling expert. Dry ramp for the RF with the blow-up
  • 16:57 Injection.
  • 18:32 Ramp of two nominal bunches.
  • 19:00 Some BI studies at flat top: tune tracking tests, switched on radial modulation and trimmed Q' in steps between -15 (not so good, see life-time) and +15 (much better). Actually, Q'=-10 seems to be also OK.
  • 19:49 Programmed dump. Test unsqueeze to 90m: no interlock!
  • 21:50 Injection.
8:30 meeting
Access problem Pt8
Tuesday 27th March
  • 06:40 Pilot bunch through full cycle.
  • 09:10 Shielding wall in point 8 seen as open (same as Saturday). Beams dumped. Access and repair required. Patrol afterwards.
  • 18:00 Beam finally back.
  • TCDQ angular alignment.
  • Preparation of TCDI validation.
  • 23:00 Test ramp & squeeze started, lost on 400V problem in UA63/67.
  • 03:30 Beam back, probe through ramp and squeeze. Lost all beam in squeeze on IR8 TCTs.
8:30 meeting

Monday 26th March

  • 1:00 ADT set-up.
  • 2:00 BGI test B1 4 nominal bunches
  • 3:30 - 8:00 b* measurement with K-modulation at 0.6m
  • 8:00 lost cryo.compressor in p2.
  • 11:00 Cryo is back - access ongoing...
  • 13:00 Machine closed. Pre-cycle.
  • 14:30 Injecting... Problems with communication to PCs leading to beam dumps. Cleaning up rogue clients solves the problem. Investigating orbit- & energy-FB issue, and problem of '0' RT reference glitches on 120 A CODs.
  • 17:45 Preparing to inject nominal. Injection kicker pre-fire (erratic trigger just before injection). Checked by experts.
  • 19:30 Setup injection protection (TCDI in TI8, TCLI partly, TDI).

8:30 meeting