Present: Etienne Carlier, Kajetan Fuchsberger, Rossano Giachino, Brennan Goddard, Jean-Jacques Gras, Lar Jensen, Verena Kain, Greg Kruk, Mike Lamont (chair), Alick Macpherson, Malika Meddahi, Mirko Pojer, Bruno Puccio, Ghislain Roy, Katarina Sigerud, Matteo Solfaroli, Ralph Steinhagen, Ezio Todesco, Jan Uythoven, Antonio Vergara Fernandez, Walter Venturini, Frank Zimmermann.
Reported by Mike Lamont
For discussion:
Multi-system tests to check integration and readiness of all systems involved in a given phase of LHC operations:
Main integration tests from last year identified as (see below for details):
Prerequisites for each test should be established.
Noted carefully checks of acc, dec, dI/dt against trims: tune, chromaticity, multipoles, separation bumps, coupling required long before beam. Also prepare and check bumps required for measurement procedures e.g. aperture scans etc.
Some d2I/dt2 issues still to be ironed out (triplets etc.)
Beam Instrumentation eager to crank their stuff up again but need certain infrastructure in place:
Would like to see concentrators, FECs up and running and some dedicated commissioning time before the dry runs start proper. Thereafter schedule dedicated dry runs for beam instrumentation to avoid interference seen last year.
BIS (Bruno)
Injection Kickers: permits, pre-pulses, BETS, synchronization etc. some changes to make (Etienne/Verena/Julian) - should be tested before hardware become available for tests from the CCC. Similarly for beam dumps, which will only become available in July for tests from CCC (see Jan's planning & figure below). Tests with MKI/MKE together should be planned. MKI now interlock against beam loss - be tested.
Machine Protection System Commissioning: some components need as part of integration tests Without beam need to test everything again [JW]. Individual system tests leading into global tests in September. Want to schedule in a dedicated period for fill machine check-out and global machine protection tests. With beam start with MPS-1, complete machine protection qualification before proceeding with MPS-2. Given the risks, this strategy to be pursued with rigour.
LBDS foreseen at least 10 ramps with all four dipole chains connected before beam.
Access (Ghislain) Access should have finished upgrades etc by May. Signals need to tested one by one as pre-cursor to 2 day DSO tests. Foresee dedicated partial DSO tests in 2 & 8 as pre-requisite for transfer line tests. Full DSO tests 2-3 days before injection tests. Final access control tests for 3 days, 2 weeks before beam.
Beam Tests
Should test semi-nominal injection scheme request and transfer in injectors with more than the single bunch seen so far. Ideally combined with extraction tests. Check with Elias for dedicated beam time in MD, bring this up in ATOP (Mike).
Suggested dates for tests (Bren/Mike) - clearly have to sync. in with powering tests, coordinate with experiments for transfer line tests. Injection tests will, again, required closure of entire ring.
TT60 extraction test(s) | May |
TT40 extraction test(s) | May |
TI8 | June 6-7 |
TI2 | June 27-28 |
Injection test - beam 1 | Week 32 (weekend) |
Injection test - beam 2 | Week 36 (weekend) |
A high intensity transfer line test as requested by BT would also provide a good opportunity to measure (and then extrapolate) the radiation field in UJs and UAs.
Sketch of 2009 - for further discussion