BLMs - acquisiton and concentration |
- Check that last BLMs in transfer lines added to application and logging
- LHC BLM study buffer application yet though to check
- acquisition
- concentration
- logging
- sdds
- display
BLMs - XPOC, PM and study buffers |
BLM - logging |
BLM - OP applications |
BLM - expert application |
to spec ? |
BLM MCS - configuration and tests - threshold management etc |
BCTDC, FD and FR |
- Check acquistion, logging and fixed display
- Slow BCT looks good.
- Fast BCT crates
- Dump BCT crates
BPM: acquistion, concentratoin, publish - all modes: capture, FIFO, orbit |
- Change sensitivity (Equip state).
- set capture bunch and turns
- Concentrating threading and capture -
- Check concentration and write to SDDS.
- Display from SDDS browser and multiturn application. OK
- Check that last BPMs in transfer lines added to YASP and logging
- Have concentrator working for BeamThreading and GetCapData
BPM: trajectory and orbit correction etc YASP |
BPM: multi-turn analysis |
BPM: beta beaing analysos |
BPM: real time feedback |
BPMDLHC - dump line BPMs |
BPMITLHC - interlocked BPMs |
MPS, logging, alarms, XPOC |
BTVI/BTVMLHC screens and matching monitors |
- In/out,
- video
- sdds
- fixed display
- BTVs in injection region; However, cannot move BTVST in point 2, TDI is not baked out
- BTVs in video channels and fixed displays
- BTV SDDS logging in TI 2 logging