LHC 2012 - latest news

Week 42: Machine coordinators: Bernhard Holzer, Mike Lamont



Link to report from morning meeting

Monday 22 October
  • 01:50h stable beams fill 3207 L0=7.7 e33
  • 06:10h Beam Dump - power converter communication problem in 78.
  • End fill 3207: 88 pb-1 in 4h27m
08:30 meeting
Sunday 21 October
  • 08:03 OP dump of 3203 172 pb-1 in 11h44m
  • 08:55 Re-injecting for physics
  • 11:25h stable beams, fill 3204 L0=6.6e33
  • 19:45h beam dump by OP. Fill 3204: 110 pb-1 in 8h18m
  • Injection delayed waiting for injection kicker to cool
  • 23:19h  Ramp
  • 23:27h Beam Dump: UFO
09:00 meeting
Saturday 20 October
  • 00:00 ramp, without problems, clean & clear
  • 01:00 stable beams - fill 3201 - initial lumi 7.2e33 cm-2s-1
  • 11:20 lost fill 3201 to spurious opening extraction switch of RCS.A12B1 (as Friday) 123 pb-1 in 10h18m
  • Access for MPE piquet – switch replacement Y.Bastian (QPS) joins Vincent Froidbise for the intervention on RCS.A12.B1
  • 13:30 Access to PM25 finished. Closing LHC...
  • 14:00 Ready for injection SPS working on beam quality leading into…
  • Main Power Supply problem in the Booster
  • 17:00 Injection Some steering required
  • 19:30 Start ramp
  • 20:20 Stable beams Fill 3202 Initial luminosity: 7.02e33 cm-2s-1
09:00 meeting
Friday 19 October
  • 04:25 RCS.A12B1, switches are closed. Access over.
  • 04:30 PSB has a problem with the 16 MHz cavities, PS and SPS have no beam.
  • 05:30 Cryo Start lost / flickering on 78 - could be a WorldFIP problem.
  • 07:15 access for change of WorldFIP repeater
  • 08:50 injection
  • 10:20 ramp, some problems with losses, tune spectrum, lifetime on ramp, squeeze & adjust
  • 11:10 stable beams, Ldt=105 pb^-1
  • 19:30 beam dump for access ATLAS (... and ALICE)
  • 23:00 injection
08:30 meeting
Thursday 18 October
  • 08:15 OP dump of fill 3194 164 pb-1 in 12h36m
  • RQ8.L1B1 and 2 tripped during ramp-down. Access required
  • Morning: accesses various
  • 12:15 cycling, delayed injection - SPS issues
  • 15:00 RF tuner adjustment
  • 16:20 RF beams dumped - injecting for physics Some delay: beam quality checks needed SPS transmitter fault – partial fill dumped at 19:20
  • 20:30 start ramp Ratty squeeze – both beams Beams lost towards end of adjust
  • 23:10 back at flat top Beams lost to QPS trigger - RCS.A12B1 switch problem. Access required
08:30 meeting
Wednesday 17 October
  • 00:42 Beams lost RF trip of cavity L2B2 (external veto) - possible klystron arc. Fill 3191: 16 pb-1 in 47 minutes
  • 03:20 Stable beams Fill 3192: initial luminosity 6.66e33 cm-2s-1
  • 15:00 end-of-fill study: reduced damper gain for first 6 bunches
  • 15:30 beam dump (op), L=154 pb^-1
  • 16:30 TI2/8 steering
  • 18:30 injection for physics
  • 19:30 stable beams
08:30 meeting
Tuesday 16 October
  • 01:10 injection, transferline steering
  • 04:00 stable beams
  • 10:00 Start Roman Pot insertion
  • 11:00 Beam dumped BLM on RP triggering with RP at 31 sigmas
  • 12:00 ALICE BCM without beam - power supply of BCM system C has been exchanged in the shadow ramp down
  • No beam from PS followed by beam quality issues (PS extraction power supplies not pulsing)
  • 15:00 Injecting for ADT high-bandwidth tests
  • 16:30 beam dumped - Spurious EE opening of RB.A67 Energy Extraction team access IP6 (UA67) to replace cards on the RB.A67 EE system
  • 20:15 EE team out
  • 20:30 Start pre-cycle
  • 22:00 Beam in Some delay at start ramp: BBQ FESA server down
  • 23:50 Stable beams fill 3191 Initial luminosity: 6.5e33 cm-2s-1
08:30 meeting
Monday 15 October
  • 03:15 Beam dump. QPS on Q6.L7B1.
  • RB S67 EE trigger, pre-cycle.
  • 05:00 PS POPS down.
  • 06:00 Filling
  • 08:00 Beam dumped at start of squeeze. Orbit FB reference change not triggered correctly.
  • 11:26 injection
  • 12:30 stable beams, ALICE lumi leveling re-activated
  • 20:30 beam dump: trip of RCBXV3.R5
  • access needed to repair / change power converter RCBX / repair broken heater supply of MKI / for RD2.L2
08:30 meeting
MD report