Week 41: Machine coordinators: G. Arduini, M. Lamont
Link to report from morning meeting
Monday 18th October
- Abort Gap cleaning
- RF studies
- Physics fill overnight
from 8:30 meeting
Sunday 17th October
- 9:30 end physics
- Transfer line/BLM studies
- Access - QPS
- Quench test
Slides from 9:00
Saturday 16th October
- 02:30 STABLE BEAMS #1424 >1.3
1032 cm-2 s-1 peak luminosity
- 03:30 Beam dump due to UFO event in triplet R8
(~400 nb-1 in 1 h)
- High losses at injection for Beam 1 - forced to
re-steering through IR2 septa
- Access in afternoon for faulty beam dump
- Physics over night
from 9:00 meeting
Van de
Meer scan summary (M. Ferro-Luzzi)
Friday 15th October
- Struggled with injection of beam 2 in 316 bunch
scheme overnight Thursday - Friday
- unbunched beam kicked on to TDI - tripping LHCb
- Move to van der Meer scans - Friday morning -
some delay - filling scheme error
- 18:27 Beam dump due to fake vacuum reading on
- 21:00 Injection checks B2. Now injection OK.
Verified that the high loss level in LHCb can be reproduced by acting on
the 800 MHz SPS RF
- 22:00 Qualification of LSS6 BPM interlock OK
Slides from 8:30
from Quentin King on FGC issue - QX2 trip
Thursday 14th October
- 03:38 Stable beams #1410: 1.03
1032 cm-2 s-1 peak luminosity
- 12:05 Beam dump due to power converter trip on
triplet R1 (>2.4 pb-1 in 8.4 h)
- Check of the aperture on Q5 for the injected
- LSS6 interlocked BPM test
- Fill for physics with 312 bunches
Slides from 8:30
Injection -
steering around the obstruction (Chiara Bracco)
Wednesday 13th October
- Investigations on injection losses on B1
from 8:30 meeting
Tuesday 12th October
- 07:00 End of physics 1408 (~2.4-2.5 pb-1
in 9.6 h)
- 08:30 - 14:30 Access
- 14:30-21:00 Injection verification with B1
- 22:40 Collisions with 256 bunches and small
- Injection problems
from 8:30 meeting
Monday 11th October
- Injection checks B1/B2
- Investigations on missing injections occurred
during sunday
- 21:20 Stable Beams 1408 (248 bunches)
Slides from 8:30 meeting
Slides on
vacuum in ATLAS