Day |
Summary |
Link to report from morning meeting |
Monday, 18th July |
- 03:42 Fill #1955, 1092b, stable beams
- 09:50 Beams dumped, trip of RQTL7.L7B1
Sunday, 17th July |
- 01:05 Dump fill #1952 by operator - 820b
- 04:36 Stable beams fill #1953 - 820b
- 10:15 Dump fill #1953 - access system
- 14:30 Injecting probe beams
- 16:00 Dumped beam at inj., RQTL9.L3B2 QPS
trip - OK to continue
- 17:41 Finished injecting and wait one
hour before ramping
- 19:34 Stable beams fill #1954 - 1092
bunches -lumi's 1160e30: back in production!
- 22:58 Beam dumped due to RF HOM power
Saturday, 16th July |
- Three fills lost overnight Friday to Saturday (840 bunch attempts): first, QTF trip QP/tune feedback during squeeze; next two to MKI UFOs while optimizing collisions.
- 08:45 trip of sector 81 - QPS glitch
- 11:00 Injecting probes – problems in injector chain
- 13:00 Filled – wait 30 minutes before ramp
- 14:09 At flat top: dumped - UFO IP2 (assigned to MKI-D)
- 16:15 Injecting for physics – SPS some problems setting up; some
injection losses in the LHC Injecting 840b, but lower intensity and
emittances up to 3.0 um @ inj.
- 19:15 Stable beam fill #1952
Friday, 15th July |
- 00:30 Stable beams, fill #1945, 264 bunches
- 03:30 Dumped, fill #1945, 264 bunches
- 04:30 Injecting probes, filling for fill with 840
- 06:34 Lost beam during adjust, Software interlock
triggered on Voltage interlock of point 7 BLMs.
- 09:00 Access for Atlas and RF
- 14:00 Lost cryo maintain in MSR7 during precycle due to
a faulty temperature sensor on RQTL9.R7B2
- 18:00 Closing machine and pre-cycle
Thursday, 14th July |
- 04:00 Loss maps at injection
- 07:00 Check injection of trains, 12 & 36 bunches
- 09:00 Access – 2 hours
- 11:45 Start pre-cycle
- 12:50 Injecting
- 13:20 ADT check
- 14:50 Injecting for physics
- 16:45 Stable beams fill #1944, 48 bunchesn1
- 9:20 Dumped, RF Power interlock
- 22:15 Injecting again
Wednesday, 13th July |
- 9:30 Stable Beams… with 1 pilot and 2 nominals
- 11:10 Loss maps at 3.5 TeV: Ralph says OK
- 12:45 Check relative position TCDQ – TCSG B2
- 14:45 Collimator position checks at injection
- 18:15 In parallel scraping of full beam TCDQ – TCSG
- 21:00 RF phasing n22:00 BLM 2.5 V problem -> replace
this morning
- 23:00 Asynch dump injection n24:00 Asynch dump at 3.5
Tuesday, 12th July |
- Finishing recovery from power cut
- 13:45 Ramp complete machine without beam
- 15:15 Probe beams injected, preparing for
TCDQ - TCSG relative position measurement
Monday, 11th July |
- Recovery from power cut on-going