Week 26: Machine coordinators: Gianluigi Arduini, Mike Lamont, Bernhard
Holzer (Thursday and Friday)
Link to report from morning meeting
Monday, 4th July
- 06:00
Start of Technical Stop
08:30 meeting
Sunday, 3rd July
- 23:00
- 09:00 ATS MD: squeezed to 0.3 m in IR1
- 10:00
Injection for MD on beam distribution
- 11:00-14:00
MD on beam distribution: problems in measuring tune and chromaticity.
Fixed at the end of the MD
- 14:20
Start of Quench at injection MD (B1) and TCLIB MD on beam 2
- 15:30-17:30:
SPS extraction interlock problem
- 23:00
Start MD on R2E
meeting – MD report
Saturday, 2nd July
- 04:00 MD on non-linear
dynamics: dynamic aperture on B1 and non-linear chromaticity measurement
and correction on beam 2
- 10:00 No beam 1 from
SPS (BETS card failure). End of MD on dynamic aperture on B1. Non-linear
chromaticity measurement continues.
- 13:00 B1 available
from SPS. End of non-linear dynamics MD
- 13:00 Issue
pre-cycling RCO circuits
- 15:00 End of pre-cycle
for spool pieces. Start injection for collimation MD
- 17:00 Start collimator
- 21:30 End of Collimation
MD. Start preparation for ATS MD.
- 23:00 - Start
injection in ATS optics
meeting – MD report
Friday, 1st July
- 01:40 Recovery from
injection MD.
- 03:18 Start RF MD.
Ongoing… Decided to delay intervention on ADT damper to Friday
afternoon. RF MD will be ended 2h early: 14:00 Then access…
- 18:00 Long-range
beam-beam MD.
meeting – MD report
Thursday, 30th June
- 07:02 Beam dump. End
BI MD. Ramp down and cycle.
- 07:45 Access for
repair of wire scanner power supply and circuit breaker of AC dipole.
- 08:21 Access finished.
Prepare for head-on beam-beam MD.
- 08:51 Wrong sequence
converters playing functions) à
trip of RB’s in all sectors. H. Thiesen
managed to switch back ON the PCs. Then drive them at injection.
Injected without precycle of the mains. OK for
- 08:51 Problem to open
TED downstream of TI8. No beam 2! Traced back to an issue with the LHC
access system
- 12:53 Both beams
available for beam-beam MD. Beam-beam MD can start. Collided successfully beams with twice nominal bunch intensity
and half nominal emittance! No beam-beam
limit encountered.
- 14:45 No beam from SPS
(18 kV intervention)
- 16:48 Start injection
MD (nominal emittances, MKI’s,
meeting – MD report
Wednesday, 29th June
- 04:30 End of
setting-up of 90 m optics
- 04:30 Ramp down and
preparation for ATS dry run
- 09:00 End of ATS dry
run and preparation for 25 ns injection
- 10:00-16:00:
injected trains of 25 ns beams (24 bunches) up to 196 bunches spaced by
25 ns on both beams
- 16:00-22:00 injected
and stored single bunches of more than 2.5x1011 p/bunch
- 22:00-06:00 MD on beam
08:30 meeting
Tuesday, 28th June
- 02:17: 1901 - first fill
with 1380 bunches into stable beams at around 02:15 without too many
- 16:00 Beam
dumped by OP. End of fill #1901. Integrated luminosity ~46 pb-1
after 13.7 hours
- 16:00-19:20 Ramp down -
Access for BI. Loading of 90 m optics hypercycle. Cleaning of the water
cooling filters for cryo in point 2.
- 19:20 start injection
for 90 m optics
Monday, 27th June
- 02:20
Stable beams #1900 1236b initial luminosity 1.25x1033
- 22:25
Beam dumped by OP. End of stable beams #1890. Integrated
luminosity > 60 pb-1 in ~20 hours
08:30 meeting