LHC 2011 - latest news

Week 19: Machine coordinators: Mike Lamont, Jorg Wenninger.

Goals of the week: Technical stop, re-establish physics conditions, alignment of RPs, VdMs.

LHC coordination vistar




Link to report from morning meeting

Monday, 16. May
  • Overnight Sunday to Monday: 50 ns injection optimization, issues with transverse damper settings, ramp lost to electrical network glitch early morning
8:30 meeting
Sunday, 15 May
  • Van der Meer scans all day
  • Beams dumped at 23:30
8:30 meeting
Saturday, 14. May
  • Recovery of cryo.
  • 14:00: cryo recovered. Precycle.
  • Beam back briefly
  • AUG TI2 - took out sector 12 & 23
  • beam back mid-evening - ramp, squeeze & collide pilots - test dump
  • Next fill lost to beam dump system - access required
  • Ramp, squeeze, collide 2*nominal bunches, stable beams, loss maps


8:30 meeting
Friday, 13. May
  • Morning: Checking RF settings for injection of both beams. Problems with IQC and XPOC.
  • 11:30 Lost cryo in Pt8.
  • Access for D3 (valve and temperature)
8:30 meeting
Thursday, 12.May
  • Technical stop end.
  • 18:30 cryogenics ready for powering.
  • VELO ion pumps off (for higher beam gas rates).
  • 22:15: Problems with quench loop in S23 fixed.
  • RF beam1 not ready - must condition overnight.
  • Quench of RD3.LR4 - HTS. MP3 piquet investigating.
  • 05:00 Pre-cycle.
  • 07:00 Fist injection on beam 2.
Wednesday, 11. May
  • Technical stop
Tuesday, 10. May
  • Technical stop
Monday, 9. May
  • 06:00 End of MD, Start of technical stop.
8:30 meeting
MD report