LHC 2012 - latest news

Week 30: Machine coordinators: Bernhard Holzer, Mike Lamont

Plan for the week: Production

Access planned around 15:00 Monday 30th July for VIP visit



Link to report from morning meeting

Monday 30 July
8:30 meeting
Sunday 29 July
  • 08:30 beam dump (OP)
  • 09:00 access for ATLAS
  • Test ramp for chromaticity measurement
9:00 meeting
Saturday 28 July
  • 02:50 beam dump due to collimator position alarm
  • 03:57 new injection for physics
  • 05:21 stable beams
  • 10:06 beam dump: loss of network communication, access needed to reset switch
  • 15:18 injection for physics
  • 16:42 stable beams
9:00 meeting
Friday 27 July
  • 01:00 abortive fill - instability beam 1 - tune
  • 04:30 Stable beams Initial luminosity 5.4e33 cm-2s-1 Moderate bunch currents
  • 14:11 scheduled beam dump, access to close ventilation door
  • 15:32 injection for special low emittance beam test
  • 16:06 beam dump due to open access door
  • 20:00 controls problem in PS
  • 21:00 back to stabndard physics fill
  • 22:14 ramp / squeeze / adjust / stable beams without problems.
8:30 meeting
Thursday 26 July
  • 02:10 injection for physics
  • 04:07 stable beams
  • 13:21 Fill 2880 beam dumped - trip of triplet R1 - suspect QPS SEU
  • Access for cryo
  • Injection steering
  • 21:15 Stable beams #2882 - initial lumi 5.7e33 cm-2s-1
  • Dumped shortly afterwards - trip of LHCb dipole
8:30 meeting
Wednesday 25 July
  • 09:00 Fill 2875 dumped 172 pb-1 in 15h24m
  • Morning: switch LHCb polarity and test ramp
  • 14:00 access
  • 16:00 restart, precycle ... trip of RQ10.R8 (converter fault)
  • 20:24 injcetion probe beam, large inj oscillations to be corrected
  • SPS ADT problem
8:30 meeting
Tuesday 24 July
  • 07:00 stable beams ongoing
  • 10:15 Operator dump of fill 2873 Initial luminosity: 5.83e33 cm-2s-1 12 hours stable beams 151 pb-1 delivered
  • Short access for RF
  • ADT gain calibration at 450 GeV
  • 16:15 Injecting for physics
  • 17:45 Stable beams fill 2875 Initial luminosity 5.72e33 cm-2s-1
8:30 meeting
Monday 23 July
  • 10:15 Dump fill 2872, integrated L ~175 pb-1.
  • 10:20 access for ATLAS & vacuum (point 2)
  • 11:15 Access for firebrigade ... electrical problem in water cooling pump
  • 18:40 restart
  • 20:40 injection for physics
  • 22:00 stable beams
8:30 meeting