LHC 2012 - latest news

Week 28: Machine coordinators: Bernhard Holzer, Jan Uythoven

Plan for the week: Floating, 90m run, production

Plan for floating MD block 9th - 11th July

Mon 9 16:00 Recovery from cryogenics problems
Mon 9 17:00 Q20 setup
Mon 9 21:00 High pile-up (~100): standard optics & 2b of 3e11 (Q20); collisions IR1&5 ; noise excitation, transverse offset etc
Tues 10 07:00 Beam dump, revert to Q26 injection
Tues 10 08:00 25ns injection tests
Tues 10 13:00 Pre-cycle for ATS optics
Tues 10 14:00 ATS MD: Pre-squeeze and very low beta ATS (0.1 m)
Wed 11 03:00 Dump & ramp down
Wed 11 04:00 Beta* leveling test up to 36b
Wed 11 16:00 End floating MD

Wed 16:00 to Thu 16:00: 90 m loss maps followed by physics run.



Link to report from morning meeting

Monday 16 July
  • 07:00 ongoing ... stable beams
8:30 meeting
Sunday 15 July
  • 05:04 RQTL11.L1B2 trip, beams dumped. Int lumi 113 pb-1
  • 06:39 Ramp fill #2844
  • 07:13 Dump in adjust, Loss of CM for AML7 tripped S67. Access of ODH.
  • 08:50 Closing machine
  • 10:00 injection & ramp: beam dump: pc fault (RQTl10.L7B1)
  • 12:20 injection & ramp: beam dump: BLM alarm
  • 16:00 injection, ramp, squeeze, stable beams
  • 21:40 beam dump: trip of RCBXV2.R1
  • 22:30 injection, ramp, squeeze, stable beams
9:00 meeting
Saturday 14 July
  • 00:38 Beam dump: suprious trigger on collimator TCTH.4R5.B2
  • 02:54 New injection
  • 04:01 Dump during adjust: beam loss alarm
  • 05:34 Injection, ramp, squeeze, adjust
  • 06:58 Stable beams fill #2842
  • 18:30 Operator Dump, Int. Lumi 147 pb-1
  • 21:17 Stable beams, fill #2843, init lumi 5.9/5.6e33 cm-2s-1
9:00 meeting
Friday 13 July
  • 07:14 Trip of IT-R5 just before programmed dump, end of RP fill.
  • 09:22 Injecting again.
  • 09:35 No beam from SPS followed by transfer line steering
  • 12:12 Start ramp
  • 12:58 Beam dumped, while going into collision, by trip of IT.R5, again
  • 13:49 Access for EPC
  • 15:42 Start pre-cycle, but first put IT.R5 at 4 TeV settings for a while
  • 16:00-19:00 SPS problem, no beam
  • 20:00h injection & ramp ... but dump due to rf crowbar
  • 21:30 injection, ramp & squeeze
  • 23:20 stable beams !!!
8:30 meeting
Thursday 12 July
  • 00:08 ramp for 90m optics run: beam dump due to IR6 BPMs
  • 02:31 injection & ramp
  • 03:55 beam dump due to COD settings
  • 06:04 injection & ramp: bam dump QPS trigger RSD1.A45.B2
  • 09:25 another ramp for 90 m optics run: beam dump due to collimator energy threshold function interpolation
  • 10:39 RSF2.A34B1 tripped at injection settings: access for EPC to fix. In parallel access for QPS
  • 12:41 Phantom of the ventillation doors passed by in Pt 2 (UL26)
  • 13:11 Door closed
  • 13:56 No beam from SPS, RF problem needing an access.
  • 15:46 Injecting again.
  • 17:09 Ramp for 90 m physics run started.
  • 18:10 Stable beams fill #2836
  • 18:30 Roman Pots in.   
8:30 meeting
Wednesday 11 July
  • 04:14 ATS beam dumped
  • 05:05 Injection probe for beta* levelling MD
  • beta* leveling tests with upto 36 bunches
  • 12:41 beam dump due to transverse instability at VdM scan
  • 15:04 injection for 90m optics: loss maps
  • 22:30 loss maps ok, injection for 90m physics run
  • injection problems: IQC latches beam 1
8:30 meeting
MD Summary
Tuesday 10 July
  • 01:58 Second ramp for high pile-up MD, high losses B1, longitudinal blow-up not working for B1, dump before collisions
  • 03:51 Third ramp for high pile-up MD, B1 longitudinal blow-up working at end of ramp.
  • 06:29 Fourth ramp for high pile-up MD. Long. blow-up OK. Pile-up of 65 (CMS) and 70 (ATLAS).
  • 07:36 Dump after high pile-up MD.
  • 08:09 Lost Cryo matching section R8 ('warm bubble').
  • 09:16 Cryo back, pre-cycle.
  • 10:04 Start of 25 ns injection MD. Injecting probe. Successfully injected 288 b for B1 and 144 b for B2. 288 b stable with high chromaticity.
  • 13:15 End of 25 ns MD. Start pre-cycle for ATS MD.
  • 14:27 Injection of first ATS probe.
  • 16:09 First ATS ramp. The intensity was lost when trimming the RF frequency for dispersion measurements. 2 fat pilots were in originally. Operator dump.
  • 18:46 Second ATS ramp followed by squeezing.
8:30 meeting
Monday 9 July
  • 02:00 Cryo revovery starting. 
  • 16:20 Cryo ok, restart machine
  • 17:40 injecion for Q20 beam, high pile up studies.
  • 21:00 injected intensity: 3*10^11 in one bunch
  • 22:14 First ramp for high pile-up MD, instabilities during ramp & squeeze
8:30 meeting