Link to report from morning meeting
4 June
- 02:18 TCTs in point 2 not executing the fnctions
- 02:25: Loss of communication with BLM in point 3
Beam dump
- Investiugations for colimator problem
- 05:27 Trip of sector 12. RQ6.R1 (QPS)
- LBDS.B2 problem during pre-cycle. Access reuired
for replacing a power supply
3 June
- Fill 2692 dumped by electrical glitch/FMCM at 05:54 having broken a few records (~240 pb-1 in 22.8 hours)
- Morning - access for QPS
- Pre-cycle - collimator problem, beam-in...
- 16:00 another access for QPS
- 18:00 Not possible to open the vacuum valves after
access. Aceess for vacuum. Ion pump power supply replaced
- 20:46 QPS problem again
- 23:00 pre-cycle after end of access fro QPS
09:00 meeting |
2 June
- 03:39
Trip of ROF.A56B1 (QPS) followed by ROD.A56B1 and RSD2.A56.B1 ==> Beam dump.
Endd of fill #2691. ~170 pb-1 in 14 h
7:10 STABLE BEAMS #2692. Initial luminosity ~6.3-6.4x1033 cm-2s-1.
- Hold beams - SPS interlock problem
09:00 meeting |
1 June
- 00:00-01:00 Separate beams and attemt to measure
chromaticity at the end of the collision process
- 02:10 Filling
- 03:09 Beams dumped at 4 TeV by RQTF.A81B2 power
converter trip
- 05:20 second ramp attempt RQTF.A81B2 tripped at
- 06:30-08:00 Access for power converter replacement
- 08:30-09:30 RF control (phase error) adjustements
- 11:00 Beam dump when going in collision due to
BLMs (end of fill#2690). Tunes
- 13:41 STABLE BEAMS#2691. Instabilities and losses
on some bunches when going in collision due to offset in IP1 and IP5
08:30 meeting
31 May
- 23:58 RF trip. End of fill #2684 - 65 pb-1
in 3.5 h
- CMS access
- 02:00-03:10 - Fill 2685. Lost during the squeeze (trip of RCBCH7.L1B2)
- 06:00 STABLE BEAMS #2686 - 6.4x1033 cm-2s-1
- 06:05 Trip of ROF/ROD.A56.B2. Beam surviving
- 16:00 End of fill #2686 - OP dump (150 pb-1 in ~10 hours)
- 16:30-18:30 Access for QPS in point 1, cryo in point 2, ALICE, BIC in
point 5, power converter in point 6.
- 20:00-21:30 Energy matching
- 21:30-23:00 LHCb positive polarity check
- 23:00-24:00 Damper test in collision
08:30 meeting
Wednesday 30 May
- 04:07
Trip of RQ6.L7B1 (QPS-SEU) during the squueze (2677) - beam dump
06:19 Fill 2678 lost during the ramp due to collimator temperature
interlock on TCTVB.4L8 (B1 longitudinal blow-up not working). RF expert
11:30 Investigations from RF completed. Steering of the lines and filling
13:16 Crash of OFSU when ready to ramp. Beam dump. Expert investigation
16:26 STABLE BEAMS#2683
18:02 ALICE BCM trigger - End of fill #2683
- 20:33 STABLE BEAMS#2684
08:30 meeting
29 May
- 00:46 Beams dumped by
spurious QPS trigger RCBXV2.R1
- 03:16 Beam dump during
the ramp. SIS interlock due to problems with OFSU
- 06:25 Stable beams
- 10:27 Beam dump due to
QPS trip of RQ7.R1 (SEU?)
- Recovery: dump resistor
cooling time and problem with the triplet R1 power converter
- 15:42 beams dumped due
to trip of ROF/ROD.A81.B1 (ROF.A67.B1 was also not available since 15/5)
leading to instabilities at the end of the squeeze (2676)
- 17:30-20:30 Access for
power converter replacement of ROF.A67.B1 and ROF.A81.B1, Quench Heater
power supply of MB.C19.R6.
- 20:30-21:30 Close
machine and Pre-cycle
- 22:00-24:30 RF control
problem requiring access to replace CPU (already occurred 3 weeks ago)
Week 21 summary
28 May
1:13 - 2:27 stable beams Fill 2670, 1.5e11 average
bunch intensity, Peak lumi: 6.6e33 cm-2s-1, Integrated lumi ~ 27 pb-1,
Emittance in collision ~ 2.2 μm rad
2:27 Fill 2670 dumped by power converter problem of RQTX2.L8 (Free wheel
diode fault)
5:33 stable beams Fill 2671, 1.5e11 average bunch intensity, Peak lumi:
6.4e33 cm-2s-1, Emittance in collision ~ 2.3 μm rad
- 12:46 End of fill 2671. LSS6 BPM SW interlock (BPMS4L6.B2 )
- Access for ATLAS until 16:30
- Ramp #2672 lost because of LSS6 BPM SW interlock (BPMS4L6.B2 )
- 21:58 STABLE BEAM#2673