Link to report from morning meeting
Monday 31th October |
- 07:00 Start of Proton – Lead MD.
ions aperture (Jörg) |
Sunday 30th October |
- 00:40 Loss maps, betatron H & V
- Beam Dump XPOC/IPOC problem with cfi-ua63-mkdpm2 and
cfi-ua67-mkdpm2 , some resets
- 02:40 Transverse damper checks: OK (ions set-up remains to
be done)
- 04:00 Some injection steering
- 07:27 Stable beams with enhanced satellites, fill #2266
- 09:49 Vacuum spike at point 4 around the BGI dumped the
- 12:57 Stable beams fill #2267
- 17:17 Last proton physics beam dump of 2011
- 18:00 Start MD - ATS optics dry run
- ¨22:00 Start MD on tune working points, one hour ahead of
meeting |
Saturday 29th October |
- 11:00 Cryo recovered. Starting precycle,
however, ATLAS needs an urgent access after pre-cycle.
- 12:08 Precycle finished, ATLAS access starting
- 13:37 Injecting probe beam
- 14:20 Ramp starting, with pilots for 1 m b* tests at IP2 for
ion run
Start with optics measurements
- 18:00 Start with collimator alignment IP2
- 19:00 Start aperture measurements
9:00 meeting |
Friday 28th October |
- 02:05 Beams dumped, fill #2261, lost the cryo maintain in
MSR6. Integrated lumi: 51, 0.06, 50, 7 pb-1
- 08:30 Cryo conditions back, start pre-cycle
- Squeeze commissioning to 1 m in IP2, in preparation of ion
- 19:53 beams dumped
Electrical glitch. Cryogenics lost in sector 12. Expect beams
back on Saturday morning.
meeting |
Thursday 27th October |
- 00:57 fill 2257 dumped during squeeze (RQTF.A67B1)
- 03:52 stable beams fill 2258
- 4:33 Dumped, problem of LBDS dilution kicker power supply
- 05:50 MQ27L2 QPS not ok, Access required
- 08:17 Decide to also change the Beam Dump MKBH-B B2 power
- 10:15 LHC ready for injection. Preparing for injection with
increased satellites.
- 13:02 Beams dumped when attempting to inject B1 144b.
"Quench" B8L2.
- Recover magnets and check TL with injections on TI2 TED.
- 16:00 Prepare LHC for injection, steering of the transfer
- 19:25 Filling for physics
- 20:51 Stable beams fill #2261, with enhanced satellites.
Initial lumi's 3.2e33 and 3.7e30 (Alice) cm-2s-1. Afterwards
Alice at 5e30.
8:30 meeting |
Wednesday 26th October |
- 06:22 Stable beams fill #2254. Initial lumi 3.5e33 cm-2s-1
- 09:30 Beam dump due to cryo fault sector 12, most likely SEU
Integrated lumi 34 pb-1
- Access to change RQT13.R5B1. Problem with MAD.
- front end memory problem leads to no data from several BPM
crates, solved by 20:00
- 22:54 stable beams fill 2256, dumped 9 minutes later by
Power converter, trip of RCS.A34B1
meeting |
Tuesday 25th October |
- 10:30 end of 25ns MD and access for QPS (ALICE, Atlas in the
- high pile-up physics run
- 19:40 dump high pile-up physics run
- Problems SPS RF, RQT13.R5B1 trips and OFSU
meeting |
Monday 24th October |
- fill 2242 dumped around 5:00 Monday - trip of RCBX.V2.R1(again)
- 25 ns tests (24 hours)
08:30 meeting
Special running
Massi Ferro-Luzzi
First look at TOTEM results Karsten Eggert
High bunch intensity instability Elias Metral