Week 41: Machine coordinators: G. Arduini & J. Wenninger
Link to report from morning meeting
Monday 17th October
- 07:00
Dump fil #2219, 123 pb-1 delivered. New record.
08:30 meeting |
Sunday 16th October
Filling #2217: new filling scheme with main-satellite collisions in ALICE,
1% more collisions to ATLAS/CMS and 2% more to LHC.
•01:46 STABLE BEAMS #2217: 3.44x1033 cm-2s-1
with 1.4x1011 p/b (3.5x1033 cm-2s-1 seen during the
adjust phase)
02:55 Beams dumped by RF (HOM temperature): 13 pb-1 in ~1h
05:30 back in physics (2:35 h turnaround – some delay to due to temperature
on MKI8)
STABLE BEAMS #2218 3.49x1033 cm-2s-1 with
1.4x1011 p/b
08:08 Beam dump due to power converter problem on RQT12.L5B2. End of fill
#2218. 29 pb-1 in 2.5 hours.
10:30-11:30 Access for power converter problem.
TDI moved to +- 55 mm after injection.
STABLE BEAMS #2219 3.5x1033 cm-2s-1 with
1.4x1011 p/b
09:00 meeting |
Saturday 15th October
- 00:30
-01:30 Injection steering for 50 ns beam
03:00 Stable beam fill #2215, 3.2E33 cm-2s-1. High background in CMS due to
vacuum R5.
04:30 Dump, QS in RB 56 current lead. 15 pb-1.
07:00 Injection
09:30 Stable beams #2216, 3.3E33 cm-2s-1. New record intensity/stored energy
at 3.5 TeV - 110 MJ.
20:45 Trip of RQT12.L5B2. End of fill #2216. 92.5 pb-1 in ~11h
22:30 - 00:30 Problem with TDI gap interlocks limits due to noise on the
09:00 meeting |
Friday 14th October
- 05:00
Beam dump due to trip of RQ5.R5 (likely SEU). ~50 pb-1 in 6 hours
06:30 Access for QPS controller reset (MB.A9L5)
10:30 Start of 25 ns MD.
22:00 1092(B1)+1020 (B2) bunches at 25 ns circulating at 450 GeV
23:15 end of 25 ns MD
08:30 meeting |
Thursday 13th October
00:00-01:30 Injection corrections
03:00 STABLE BEAMS #2208 Initial luminosity 3.3x1033 cm-2s-1
13:00 TOTEM RPs moving into the beam.
16:15: ADJUST mode. Test of ADT gain reduced up to 30% - OK.
16:30 Beam dump by OP. collected 102 pb-1.
17:30-18:30 access for nQPS reset (MB.B8R1). Delay due to biometry (SEU) and
key distributor problem n UJ16 (SEU)
20:30-21:30 Steering injection lines
22:53 STABLE BEAMS #2210: initial luminosity 3.48 x1033 cm-2s-1
with 1.35x1011 p/bunch
8:30 meeting |
Wednesday 12th October
- 00:00
Cryogenics recovered - Start precycle
01:00-02:00 No beam from SPS (Main Power Supply problem)
04:30 STABLE BEAMS #2204 - Initial luminosity 3.3x1033 cm-2s-1.
09:30-10:15 Ramping ALICE down to 15'000 kA and back up.
11:00 Move to ADJUST to switch on abort gap cleaning.
11:30 Back to stable beams with abort gap cleaning on.
16:30 Abort gap cleaning OFF
17:30 Beam dump, vacuum Pt4. Integrated luminosity 95 pb-1. Manipulation on
the BGI monitor induced a pressure spike.
18:30 Access for QPS controller reset in point 5: MB8.L5
20:00 - 24:00 Bad beam quality from the injectors:
RF synchro problem PSB-PS
Loss of the SPS kicker fine delays after create reboot
Tuesday 11th October
- 03:30
Compressor restarted.
- Cryo
recovery. Urgent accesses.
Monday 10th October
- 09:50
Beam dump fill 2200, IT L8 (PC). Integrated luminosity 44 pb-1.
Switching to MD on high pile-up.
Access for IT L8 PC.
15:30Stable beams fill 2201, 5E30 cm-2s-1. 1 high intensity bunch per beam
of 2.35E11 p/bunch. Pile up ~ 30-32.
17:30 ALFA moving into the beam.
19:20 End of fill #2201 for high pile-up study and ALFA data taking
20:30: No beam from LINAC2 (buncher problem)
22:30 Filling.
23:40 Beam dumped during adjust. Lost cryo compressor in Pt6.PLC crash.