Notes from Beam Commissioning meeting Tuesday 10th October

Main subject: continued testing, planned activities during imminent shutdown

Injector shutdown starts 11th November. Besides 34 warm, 45, 23 and at least part of 12 to be emptied.

Machine checkout 2009


c/o Stefano


c/o Brennan, Etienne, Jan

Shutdown work

Other tests/implementations

Need to investigate a way of having pre-pulse without beam in SPS. Timing to add LTIM (Iaon)

Review of injection sequencing to take place soon.

Beam Dump

c/o Brennan, Etienne, Jan

Shutdown work

Other tests/implementations

Aim to have installation finished by end Feb. 2009

System tests finished by end March 2009

Beam Instrumentation

c/o JJG, Lars

Beam Interlock System

c/o Bruno


c/o Andy


c/o Eugenia, Mike, Julian

Main objectives:


Mike to set up mailing list to aid coordination of shutdown activities.


Reported by Mike Lamont 13/10/08