Notes from Beam Commissioning meeting Tuesday 10th October
Main subject: continued testing, planned activities during imminent shutdown
Injector shutdown starts 11th November. Besides 34 warm, 45, 23 and at least part of 12 to be emptied.
Machine checkout 2009
- Re-test all QPS following modifications
- Full revalidation of beam interlock system
- Full revalidation of beam dumping system
- Higher priority to sectors 45, 56, 67, 78 to allow full deployment of BETS ASAP
c/o Stefano
- 20 collimators in install in point 7, 2 & 8. Will not go beyond phase 1
- Upgrade front-end timing in 2009 (timing events, SMP - energy...)
- Synchronization tests have made good progress - still some to do. Some nice results here.
- Clear interest to maintain logging during shutdown
c/o Brennan, Etienne, Jan
Shutdown work
- Exchange weak MKI in P2 – to be confirmed by BT experts
- Extra BPM channels deployed and tested for TI8/2 – scope tbc
- TCLI to be installed.
Other tests/implementations
- MKI beam energy tracking in place but an additional hurdle for testing the system during the shutdown when there is no proper energy distributed.
- TDI interlocking functions
- BI capture data
- Injection quality checks prototype
- Optimization of soft start algorithm - make it shorter and low stress (for OP).
Need to investigate a way of having pre-pulse without beam in SPS. Timing to add LTIM (Iaon)
Review of injection sequencing to take place soon.
Beam Dump
c/o Brennan, Etienne, Jan
Shutdown work
- Installation of 4 more MKBs (40->80% of nominal)
- Upgrade of MKB vacuum (pumps, gauges, interlocks)
- Inspection/repair of beam1 MKBs UA67 (B1)
- Installation and commissioning of MKD temperature stabilization
- Improvement of some switches (measure + adjust Full system re-validation Filters for BTVDD camera BCT#2 in TD lines
- BETS flat lined for now, would like to see Timing system play simulated energy ramp on request.
Other tests/implementations
- TCDQ interlocking functions (+ energy)
- Full tests of energy tracking with 4 sectors
- XPOC v2.0 (filling pattern, DB for thresholds)
- New arming PLC SW and sequences (PLC & TSU SW updates)
- Speed up inject and dump sequence
Aim to have installation finished by end Feb. 2009
System tests finished by end March 2009
Beam Instrumentation
c/o JJG, Lars
- Repair and deploy Schottky
- Keep pressure on CO vis a vis concentration, gateway stability, logging etc.
- Test post-mortem, input into beam based post mortem
- BPM system in sector 34
- In general FECs will stay up and running
- Test MKQA and AC dipole
- Filters on BTCDDs (request from Brennan)
Beam Interlock System
c/o Bruno
- No change in hardware
- Few more inputs - some more tests
- Development of monitoring and supervision tools
- Improve interface to post mortem and provide IPOC of BIS
- Develop automatic pre-operations test before injecting beam
- Deploy full Safe Machine Parameters system
- for simulated energy - best if this comes eventually from BIS
- intensity - link and send noise
- Logging of BIS channel that removed permit
- LSS3/4 safety stopper via vacuum system.
- BIS frequency off to the test bench.
c/o Andy
- RF simulation with full ramping and slow re-phasing of the bunch clocks. Plus testing of electronics in experiments under these conditions.
- Damper amplifiers out/in
- repair tuner
- Tests of beam control
- Synchro and pre-pulses to be left operational.
- Test RT interface but really need beam
- Deploy transverse damper controls
- Abort Gap cleaning (c/o Malika)
c/o Eugenia, Mike, Julian
Main objectives:
- Sequencer
- Post mortem with beam
- Injection Quality Checks
- Injection Sequencing
- Consolidation of SDDS, logging to Oracle
- Check re-start after stop in squeeze
- Numerous small features to be resolved. Clear List
- Timing: no changes!!! Will implement TO_LHC_BEAM1 and TO_LHC_BEAM2 as dynamic destinations.
- Need to have dynamic destination sensitivity be implemented on the Mugefs...
Mike to set up mailing list to aid coordination of shutdown activities.
Reported by Mike Lamont 13/10/08