ACTION | Species | No. OF BUNCHES/BEAM | TIME (8h shifts) | COMMENT | GROUP | Highly tentative start time |
Injection of p, Pb to check timing. | p,Pb | 2,13 or more | 0.125 | OP/ABP | Done | |
Simple ramp | p, Pb | 1 | 0.5 | General check, including dump | OP | Done |
Commission beta*=0.8 m in ALICE and beta*=2 m in LHCb, with protons on-momentum, pilot beams, flat machine (with several stops between 3 m and 0.8m). (TCTs, TCPs open, symmetrised) | p | 3 | 1 | Set-up operations with pilot intensity. This is close to the initial value used for physics. Also sort out BPM issues. | OP/ABP | Done |
TDI re-alignment | p | 1 | 1 | OP/ABT | Done | |
Apply correction of beta-beating in flat machine (with several stops between 3 m and 0.8m). | p | 3 | 1 | > 24h required following measurements for offline preparation. Local and global corrections inserted. | OP/ABP | Done |
IR6 interlock BPMS check at injection ( interlock behaviour check with proton trains), check issues with orbit feedback (with packet latency), injection oscillations with Beam 2, ADT setup for low intensity. | p | >24 | 0.5 | Needs 200 ns proton filling scheme. 1.5 10^10/bunch | OP/BI | Done |
Cross calibration of orbit measurement in low and high BPM gain setting at injection B1 and B2 | p | 3 | 0.0625 | Must be done before loss maps at flat top. Pilot and INDIV | OP | Done |
optics with experiment bumps; on momentum; try to find collisions in all experiments | p | 3 | 0.5 | Pilot bunches, Recommended lumi
signals: - ATLAS: LUCID_EventAND_true - CMS: HF_true . |
OP/ABP | Done |
Go off momentum at beta*=0.8m, in both directions. Apply and check beta-beating correction knob. Check aperture. | p | 3 | 0.25 | Afterwards change external crossing angle in ALICE from +145 to -62.5 murad (to get net angle of 60 murad at IP) in collision beam process.This prepares the physics optics. | OP/ABP | Done |
Remove BRAN at IP2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Floating, done remotely when convenient | BI | Done |
Loss maps at flat top | p | 6 + 2pilot | 0.5 | INDIV 3. 10^10; correct orbit for beam intensity effect (cross-calibration above), IR7 collimator, TCSG in IR6, TCDQ, check re-setup, further loss maps. Off-momentum loss map. | OP/ABP | Done |
Squeeze in single step, on momentum | p | 3 pilot | 0.1 | (Possibly scrape and take over beam from above.) Lower Q', measure Q, Q' through squeeze | OP | Done |
Measure aperture in IR2 | p | 3 | 0.5 | (Possibly take over beam from above.) Try to finish in 4 h to avoid Pb injection in evening. | OP/ABP | Done |
OP checks (injecton bucket for Pb, transverse feedback,…) | p,Pb | 3 | 0.125 | OP/RF | Done | |
Ramp, frequency lock, cogging, squeeze, collision setup and first p-Pb collisions | p,Pb | 6 non-colliding, >2 colliding in each IP | 0.75 | Need >4 bunches to have collisions in all experiments. Find collisions with help of luminosity experts in experiments. | OP/ABP/RF | Done |
Refill, ramp and squeeze in single step, on momentum | p | 3 Nominal | 0.75 | Only if necessary if collisions not found with p-Pb. Measure Q, Q'. Find collisions with help of luminosity experts in experiments. | OP | Dropped |
One or two cycles through squeeze off-momentum p-p with all corrections and bumps, Beam1 and Beam 2, delta<0 first, apply beta-beat correction. (Possibly) repeat p-p Beam1 and Beam 2, delta>0. Check beta-beat. | p | 3 | 0.5 | Only if necessary. Do two proton beams in parallel with locked RF. Deltap is -+ 2.3 10^-4, radial loop OFF | OP/ABP | Dropped |
Collimator and Roman pot alignment and loss Maps | p,Pb | 13 | 1.5 | TCT alignment (end of squeeze, collision). Loss maps - detailed list provided. - Alignment of the roman pots (VERTICAL ONLY) - partly done, to be completed. | OP/ABP | Done |
Loss Maps (several fills) | p,Pb | 13 | 1.75 | Loss maps - detailed list provided. | OP/ABP | Done |
Asynchronous dump tests (squeeze, collision) | p,Pb | 13 | 0.25 | Could be done at the end of one of the fills for collimaion set up | OP/ABT | Done |
Collisions + first STABLE BEAMS for PHYSICS | p,Pb | 13 bunches, 8 colliding | 1 | Ramp with two beams, squeeze, checks, Stable beams. Only 1-2 h of stable beams. | OP/ABP/RF | Done |
Trains of Pb and p at injection | p,Pb | 24n | 1.5 | Bumps for BCT position
sensitivity Bumps for BSRT and wire scans for cross calibration and emittance evolution if not done yet: inject Pb trains 200ns B2 and afterwards p trains 200ns B1 |
ABP/OP | May not happen |
Intermediate filling scheme | p,Pb | 96, 120 | Ramp with two beams, squeeze, checks, Stable beams. Only 1-2 h of stable beams. | OP/ABP | ||
Full filling scheme | p,Pb | 338 | Following minimum bias data collection by ALICE | OP/ABP | ||
Increase p intensity 2,3,4, ... 10^10 | p,Pb | 338 | Level luminosity in ALICE to 1. 10^29 with transverse separation if necessary | OP/ABP | ||
Physics production | OP | |||||
VdM scans | To be scheduled | OP/LPC/ABP | ||||
ALICE polarity switch | To be scheduled | OP/ABP | ||||
Beam reversal | To be scheduled, half-way through luminosity integration. Detailed setup procedure once p-Pb established | OP/ABP/RF | ||||
Physics production | OP | |||||
VdM scans | To be scheduled | OP/LPC/ABP | ||||
ALICE polarity switch | To be scheduled | OP/ABP | ||||
20/01/2013 16:12 | ||||||
Maintained by John Jowett |