Comments |
SW |
HW |
Timing |
Check application functionality - tables, events, telegrams, monitoring, energy
- Test circulate and dump - looping in sequencer
- Friday: JJG table - first pass
need to prepare timing tables
- Inject Beam 1 (triggers BI capture events)
- Inject Beam 2 (triggers BI capture events)-
- Inject Beam x and start dump beam x table after 10 s
Delphine |
Julian, Stephane, Ioan |
Injection Kickers |
- On Wednesday - pulse both 2 & 8 to nominal voltage, control from application
- Logging of waveforms
- start with auto-generated pre-pulse by Etienne
- Friday - expect pre-pulses from RF - need to check ring1/ring2 logic very carefully
Etienne |
Injection requests |
- First tests of functionality - to "CBCM"
- Alternate ring1/ring2
Delphine |
Stephane |
Power converters |
Converters in 2-3 to VS_SIM. Test all usual functionality from equip state |
Generate actual and ramp and squeeze (7 TeV nominal) |
Steve |
RF |
Waiting on pre-pulses on Friday |
Andy |
c/o Stefano
settings- discrete for "open", "coarse", "protect"
settings - ramp
settings - squeeze
Drive - collimators in 3,2,8,6 as available - tbc Stefano
Drive - lab collimator with squeeze function
BLMs - individual monitors
BG - can Atlas dummy up something?
Fixed Display
Sequencer: drive actual injection settings(HARDWARE defined), check until armed, send timing event (dummy task for the time being), check until idle.
At the end of injection plateau, move out injection protection devices only: check that idle, drive actual settings for injection protection devices OUT, send timing event (dummy task for the time being), check until idle. |
Stefano |
Stefano |
- Check that last BLMs in transfer lines added to application and logging
- LHC BLM study buffer working...no application yet though to check
Lars/JJG |
- Check distribution of timing stuff
- Check distribution of handshakes
- Check disribution of beam related stuff
Mike |
- Check acquistion, logging and fixed display
- Slow BCT looks good.
- Fast BCT crates not responding
- Dump BCT crates not responding (expected).
Lars/JJG |
- Change sensitivity (Equip state).
- set capture bunch and turns
- Concentrating threading and capture -
- Check concentration and write to SDDS.
- Display from SDDS browser and multiturn application. OK
- Check that last BPMs in transfer lines added to YASP and logging
- Have concentrator working for BeamThreading and GetCapData
Lars/JJG |
- orthoganal steering, threading etc. Interface to LSA settings etc. sound.
Jorg |
- In/out,
- video
- sdds
- fixed display
- BTVs in injection region; However, cannot move BTVST in point 2, TDI is not baked out
- BTVs in video channels and fixed displays
- BTV SDDS logging in TI 2 logging
Lars/JJG |
BLMs |
- acquisition
- concentration
- logging
- sdds
- display
Lars/JJG |
- injection kickers
- power converters
- screens
- Page 1 (mode)
- etc. etc.
- Actual settings drive trim with payload and timing event
- Trim actual physics parameter
- Trim actual strength.
- Trim actual current.
- (plus usual ramp settings - now thoroughly tested)
- Vertical Slice to power converters
- Equip state RBAC enabled and tested
- other stuff this time?
- [Import 23 coefficients and generate transfer functions and harmonics and apply]
- Auto Trimming of b3 (test example) during decay on injection plateau successfully test [possible]
Full logging of all of above in place. |
Come's in strong on Friday |
LSA Run Control
(from sequencer) |
- set fill number and push to timing and DIP
- set mode and push to timing and DIP
- set bunch configuration push to timing and DIP
- set handshakes and push to DIP