0 |
Setup |
Mode, page 1, fixed displays. LSA applications under CM. |
1 |
- Edit and load tables. OK
- Play multiple tables (event monitoring - looks good xtims from within FESA navigator)
- Switch next injection ring telegram - beam 1 kickers fire. OK
- single, repeat, async event send etc. OK. Need to fix hex/decimal translation in app.
- Edit telegrams - OK
- During the dry run this morning I noticed the beam energy/intensity and flags going dangerous every few minutes.
It turns out that the main task was timing out waiting for the SMP module after 100S.
This was due to the new cabling installed. The bug in the software has been fixed. Julian
2 |
- On/off etc. Application a bit clunky on the state changes but otherwise looking good.. UA23 not responding to settings changes - fixed.
- Pulse kickers. OASIS. - looks good - pulsing beam 2 and then beam 1
- TRIM discrete - OK
- TRIM angle - still to check
3 |
- Check acquistion, logging and fixed display
- Slow BCT looks good.
- Fast BCT crates not responding
- Dump BCT crates not responding (expected).
4 |
- Change sensitivity (Equip state). OK
- set capture bunch and turns - OK from multiturn application
- Concentrating threading and capture - OK
- Check concentration and write to SDDS. Display from SDDS browser and multiturn application. OK
For BI the main emphasis was on the BPM system where for the first time we included on a larger scale the synchronous capture triggered by the LHC BST. This in fact helped to discover hardware problems that hadn't been detected earlier. More checks will now be included for the BPM acquisition modules. We also found problems on the BST receiver cards which meant that a new firmware had to be developed on the many modules installed. We are now in the process of time-stamping our acquisitions that are triggered by the LHC BST to give a (hopefully) unique UTC time-stamp across the LHC. Presently the capture timestamp can differ by about 1msec which Marek correctly now takes as resolution to consider whether data from a given front-end system is valid or not. - Lars |
5 |
- Looks good - orthoganal steering, threading etc. Interface to LSA settings etc. sound.
6 |
- In/out, acquistion OK
- video - didn't check
- sdds - OK
- fixed display - OK
7 |
BLMs |
- acquisition - not checked
- concentration - not checked
- logging - OK
- sdds - not checked
- display - not checked
8 |
- Discrete Settings setup before hand for "out", "coarse", "protect"
- Drive between discrete - OK (to test collimator in lab)
- Actual trim OK
9 |
- SOC - OK
- Monitoring -OK.
- On. - all bar 6/200
- Set. Load injeciton settings - OK from equip state. Some PC config problems uncovered.
- Start ramp with timing table.
- Trim with timing event/payload
10 |
On hold |
11 |
- injection kickers - OK
- power converters - OK
- screens - OK
- BCT - OK
- Page 1 (mode) - OK
12 |
- Actual settings drive trim with payload and timing event
- Trim actual physics parameter - not tested
- Trim actual strength. OK
- Trim actual current. OK
- (plus usual ramp settings - now thoroughly tested)
- (As a coda the Alice dipole was successful tested on Thursday from LSA - including a full ramp (c/o DJ)
13 |
- Vertical Slice to power converters OK
- Equip state RBAC enabled and tested OK
14 |
- OK - application looks nice.
15 |
- Import 78 coefficients and generate transfer functions and harmonics and apply
- Auto Trimming of b3 (test example) during decay on injection plateau successfully test
16 |
- Application tested - bunch by bunch display running continously for a week
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18 |
Full logging of all of above in place. |
19 |
CO sequencer tested Monday - hitting kickers, collimator, power converters, mode, BPMs, timing system etc. Complete linear run through. |