LHC 2012 - latest news

Week 36: Machine coordinators: Mike Lamont, Bernhard Holzer

Plan for the week: Luminosity production



Link to report from morning meeting

Monday 10 September
  • 08:00 Start MD (RF -rephasing in preparation for pPb)
08:30 meeting - weekly summary
Sunday 9 September
  • Stable beams until 10:35. Fill dumped by OP - 178 pb-1 in 12h13m.
  • Access for QPS
  • 16:34 lost next fill to sharp loss towards end of squeeze
  • Back in stable beams by 19:25 - keep fill over night - dumped at 06:00 Monday to prepare for MD (access required for QPS). Fill 3047 - 146 pb-1 in 10h36m

09:00 meeting

Saturday 8 September
  • 00:39 Lost 3039 lost communication with RCS.A67B1 switch controller; 19.2 pb-1 in 48 minutes
  • Access required for QPS piquet
  • 02:45 start pre-cycle
  • 04:55 Flat-top – nice beams
  • 05:09 RQF and RQD S23 trip
  • Motor for the demineralised water pump C211A ( pump for all of sector 23 and 34) needs to be changed. Experts working and transport being arranged ... the motor is a 1.5 ton object
  • 13:20 Access for pump motor in Pt 2 is finished after very efficient exchange - thanks to CV, SPIE et al
  • precycle LHC
  • 15:40 injection
  • 16:40 injection beam 1 finished, beam dump, reason unclear (BLM)
  • 17:17 injection
  • 18:20 ramp
  • 19:06 adjust & beam dump: instability
  • 21:00 new injection
  • 22:20 stable beams, L0 = 7.3 E33

09:00 meeting

Inner triplet trip (Markus Zerlauth)

7 September

  • 00:52 beam dump, trip RF
  • 02:00 injection, ramp & squeeze
  • 03:40 adjust & beam dump: BLM, sudden losses at last steps of adjust
  • 04:50 injection
  • 06:00 stable beams, L0=7.2 E33
  • 11:28 Lost fill 3036 PC fault on IT R5. 102 pb-1 in 5h 34m
  • The reset of the RQX5.R5 took longer than normal due to the reset of the converter, a problem with the communication between the UPS and the PIC for point 5, and a problem on the RQX5.R5 QPS board B that required a reset. The QPS reset could not be done remotely, and so a short access was needed.
  • 15:00 Start pre-cycle
  • Fill for ramp squeeze collide collide set-up
  • 19:15 Beams dumped
  • 23:50 Stable beams – fill 3039 Initial luminosity: 7.44e33 cm-2s-1 Total intensity 2.22e14, ~1.62e11 ppb
8:30 meeting

6 September

  • 01:10 Fill 3032 dumped by OP 117 pb-1 in 8h 58m
  • QPS problem - access required*2
  • 08:00 problem fixed - precycling
  • 10:00 injection
  • 11:15 stable beams, L0=7.1 E33
  • 20:00 programmed dump, 145 pb-1
  • 22:15 new injection
  • 23:30 stable beams, L0=7.5 E33
9:00 meeting
5 Sep
  • 06:45 beam loss: EDF
  • 06:34 Lost fill 3029 120 pb-1 in 6h46m
  • Electrical glitch all over CERN, captured by FMCM of RD1.LR5
  • Access required for QPS
  • 10:00 – 14:00 Controls issues with BQM followed by Batch by Batch blow-up tests…
  • 16:00 Stable beams #3032 Initial luminosity: 6.2e33cm-2s-1, initial bunch currents: 1.52/1.45 e11 ppb
  • ~18:00 Klystron 3B1 in saturation - coupler in wrong position - briefly in ADJUST while RF sort the problem out.
8:30 meeting
Tuesday 4 Sep
  • 06:08 lost 3205 to lost the sector 23 due to the trip of RQD/F
  • 3205: 133 pb-1 in 9 hours 40 minutes
  • 07:35 The switches of the RQF and RQD of sector 23 have cooled down and we go for the precycle
  • 09:00 injection, ramp squeeze
  • 11:00 adjust & beam loss: UFO
  • 13:00 injetion, new scheme for ALICE (beam 1 first)
  • 14:00 stable beams, L0=6.5E33
  • 15:30 beam dump: BLM alarm, broken optical connection
  • 22:15 injection
  • 23:00 ramp, squeeze, adjust
  • 23:45 stable beams
8:30 meeting
Mon 3 Sep
  • 00:08 Injecting
  • 00:58 OFC crashed at the beginning of the squeeze. SIS dump. Expert called. Core dump saved
  • 02:00 Filling and verification of the behaviour of the orbit and tune feedback.
  • 03:25 Stable beams #3023. Initial luminosities up to 7.1x1033 cm-2s-1
  • 03:28 Lost cryogenics in sector 78. QRL vacuum gauge spurious reading and triggering closure of cryo valves on DFB
  • 07:10 Access in point 7 for replacing vacuum PLC in IP7
  • 11:10 Start precycle after accesses various
  • Afternoon: MCOX and skew octupoles checks in shadow of 18kV cable intervention in SPS
  • 20:30 Stable beam
08:30 meeting