LHC 2012 - latest news

Week 20: Machine coordinators: Bernhard Holzer, Jan Uythoven

Plan for the week: Luminosity production




Link to report from morning meeting

Monday 21 May
  •   Access for switching temperature probe DFB L7.
8:30 meeting
Sunday 20 May
  • 05:20 programmed dump, 193 pb-1 collected
  • 05:37 electrical glitch, 4 sectors lost
  • 11:38 QPS interventions to recover finished. LHC closed. Precycle.
  • 13:09 Injecting
  • 14:31 Fill #2648 Dump at flat top. Electrical glitch. FMCM.RD1.
  • 18:15 Stable beams fill #2648, some losses when going into collision.
  • 23:47 Beams dumped. Lost Cryo Maintain L7, temperature sensor fault on RQTL10. Access.
9:00 meeting
Saturday 19 May
  • 04:39 beam dump due to BMPs
  • injection delayed due to PS, problem with extraction kicker (again)
  • 9:16 injection for physics, new filling scheme
  • ramp-squeeze-adjust without problems
  • 10:24 stable beams, single bunch losses < 20% !! it works !!
  • 10:52 dump, fake alarm from BLM (spurios trigger)
  • 13:14 stable beams, even better single bunch losses, < 2 %
  • long run
9:00 meeting
Friday 18 May
  • 00:40 On ramp RF Module M1B2: crowbar fired
  • 01:53 Inject
  • 02:38 Adjust beam process to optimise collision point in LHCb
  • 03:09 Dump by operator
  • 04:54 Optimise collision with 2 x 84 bunches
  • 05:18 Dump by operator
  • 06:29 Again RF the module M1B2: crowbar fired. Preparing access
  • 12:14 injection for physics
  • 13:56 stable beams, some losses in beam1, after bringing the beams into collision
  • long fill, int. lumi = 170pb-1
8:30 meeting
Thursday 17 May
  • 01:11 Fill #2633 dump in squeeze arc circulator load channel Ad1B
  • 03:16 Fill #2644 Stable beams, lumi 5.2e33 cm-2s-1
  • 04:38 Dumped by interlock on BPMS, loosing intensity on some bunches
  • 06:48 Fill #2635 Stable beams, initial lumi 5.5e33 cm-2s-1
  • 11:57 Dumped by interlock on BPMS, again one bunch b2 going unstable.
  • 12:34 Error on the module H2B2 of the ADT.
  • 14:15 Injecting beam for test ramp to find LHCb head on collisions
  • 15:13 Injector chain down: POPS in PS
  • 17:47 POPS back
  • 18:30 Start ramp with 24 bunches per beam
  • 18:38 Dump in ramp at 2.5 TeV due to SIS interlock. Not clear why.
  • 19:32 Injecting probe
  • 19:35 Collimator - BIS interlock in TI2, same as last days. Try to unblock.
  • 22:09 Start access in TI2 to fix collimator - BIS problem.
  • 22:56 Cycling the machine
9:00 meeting
Wednesday 16 May
  • 03:05 beam dump, RF fault crowbar problem on module M1B2
  • 06:09 Another crowbar at injection.
  • Access for RF; problem Beam Imminent Warning point 6
  • 12:30 Machine closed. Again RF crowbar while arming the BIS loop. Diagnostics revealed that there was a problem on a HV cable between the power supply and the klystron of line 3B2. The cable was replaced.
  • 14:50 Cannot close because of problem again with Beam Imminent Warning point 6.
  • 15:40 BIW problem solved.
  • 16:10 SPS main power supply down
  • 18:35 SPS is back
  • 20:55 Stable beams fill #2632, initial lumi 5.0e33. LHCb negative polarity
  • 21:03 Beams dumped on BPMS interlock.
  • 21:41 BIS interlock from SR2.INJ1.1 In 8: Coll Motors. Known problem.
8:30 meeting
Tuesday 15 May
  • 06:07 Beams dumped, trip of ROF.A67B1.ĻInt lumi 97 pb-1. Access.
  • 09:19 End of access, precycling.
  • Problems with TT60 power converter and data base / communication
  • 12:06 Injecting
  • 13:15 Scraping with TCP with 1380 bunches
  • 13:36 Start ramp
  • 14:29 Stable beams fill #2629, initial lumi 4.1e33.
  • 20:22 scheduled beam dump
  • 22:55 stable beams fill #2630, initial lumi 5.4e33
8:30 meeting

Monday 14 May

  • 00:03UFO at BLMQI.06R8.B2E10_MQML. Beam dump
    Re-steering required for TI2
  • 03:28 STABLE BEAMS #2627. 1.27e11 ppb, 4.11e33 cm-2s-1
  • 13:36 Operator dump fill #2627. Physics for 10:08 hours.
    Int lumi 100 pb-1
  • 15:19 TDI measurement - check alignment of jaws 'warm'
  • 16:30 prepare injection for physics, fill #2628. Optimising beam in injectors.
  • 20:55 Injecting for physics
  • 22:17 Stable beams - initial lumi's 4.8e33.

8:30 meeting