Successfully completed November 2009; circulating beams re-establish without any problems February 2010
Prerequisites: first turn, lattice sextupoles, first cut b3 compensation, RF, BPM system etc.
Exit: Circulating low intensity beam - both rings.
Beam | Task | Who | How long | Status | |||
2.1 | B1/B2 | Instrumentation check - multi-turn "threading" mode | BI | 2h | OK | ||
2.2 | B2 | Establish N turns | 4h | ||||
Integer tune from trajectory difference | OP | OK B2 | Integer tunes OK 64/59 | ||||
Close turns | OP | OK B2 | |||||
N turn average measurement/correction | OP | OK B2 | |||||
2.3 | B2 | Few turns with first corrections of following | 8h | ||||
Fractional tune (adjusted well enough to ciruclate) | OP | OK |
2.2 | B1 | Establish N turns | 4h | ||||
Integer tune from trajectory difference | OP | ||||||
Close turns | OP | ||||||
N turn average measurement/correction | OP | ||||||
2.3 | B1 | Few turns with first corrections of following | 8h | ||||
Fractional tune (adjusted well enough to circulate) | OP |
Repeat other beam 1 | |||||||
B2 | RF capture - part 1 | ||||||
OK B2 | ||||||
2.5 | B2 | RF capture - part 2 | RF | 2*4h | |||
B2 | Centre | ||||||
B2 | Measure frev | ||||||
B2 | Correct | ||||||
B2 | Commission phase loop | OK - nice image | |||||
Correct residual error | |||||||
2.7 | B2 | Synchro loop and RF capture | RF | 8h | |||
B2 | Commission synchro loop | ||||||
B2 | Check phasing of cavity sum | ||||||
B2 | Fine tune capture | ||||||
B2 | Measure lifetime | BI | |||||
2.5 | B1 | RF capture - part 2 | RF | 2*4h | |||
B1 | Centre | ||||||
B1 | Measure frev | ||||||
B1 | Correct | ||||||
B1 | Commission phase loop | ||||||
B1 | Correct residual error | ||||||
2.7 | B1 | Synchro loop and RF capture | RF | 8h | |||
B1 | Commission synchro loop | ||||||
B1 | Check phasing of cavity sum | ||||||
B1 | Fine tune capture | ||||||
B1 | Measure lifetime | BI | |||||
2.4 | B1B2 | Energy matching | |||||
Orbit to 1mm rms | OP | ||||||
Correction of BdL sector by sector | OP | ||||||
1. Establish multiple turns:
No correction
80% dipole correction – spool pieces only
Natural Q’ corrected with lattice sextupoles
Fairly obvious that we will attempt use lattice sextupoles as per MAD and b3 as per FiDeL.
Issue is the decoherence time due to chromaticity: if no correction - measurement possible in the V-plane only (for nominal cycle). In the H-plane not feasible:
Main problem for the BPMs as a result of bunch length increase is the loss of
The BPM system can cope with an increase from in r.m.s. bunch length sigma_t
from 0.4 to 1.3 ns.
142 turns
It is possible to increase it by reducing the momentum spread at extraction from
the SPS by using pilot with smaller longitudinal emittance and or reducing the
RF voltage SPS extraction
Integer part from trajectory difference for two different injection settings
Fractional part from phase advance per turn: e.g. it can be measured by putting
together the turn-by-turn data from two pick-ups at ~90 phase advance
Need error study?
Close the trajectory on itself to obtain closed orbit: comparison between two
consecutive turns (or at least some pick-up for the second turn) close with
two closed orbit correctors
By averaging over at least 10(?) turns (QH=64.28, QV=59.31)
3. Initial RF phasing and Capture
With pilot bunch, RF off:
Adjust (at least) 2 out of the 3 variables: BLHC, BSPS, fRF :
BLHC (CODs and/or MBs):
need to assess the implication of changing the B-field in LHC
also quadrupoles, etc.
Any frequency change will require re-tuning of the SPS RF:
timing of the fine
retraining of the frequency program (for future reference: this is also true
when changing cycle e.g from pilot to LHC filling)
radial position and momentum change in SPS
Philippe’s view:
should not treat fRF as a “free parameter”,
we should aim to minimize the number of times we change the frequency
establish a “standard” frequency early on, which will then remain fixed
also quadrupoles, etc, plus transfer lines
retraining of the frequency program
Example: adjust fRF and BLHC
In theory we should be able to correct both B and fRF in one iteration:
For 2 LHC rings, a third constraint: fRF is the same but circumference may
be slightly different unless we are very lucky, the beams cannot be centered
in both rings: must find
a compromise in which the average radial position in the 2 rings is zero
1cm length difference ~ 1.5 mm radial offset ~ 150Hz
Will have to inject fairly soon in 2nd ring to check this need to define what
is the minimum set of measurements and corrections on the first ring before
going to the second