Magnet Polarities
- Reference beam is beam 1 - observer looks in direction of beam 1
- field and gradients positive if current enters A terminal
- Left aperture from connection end is aperture 1 (V1)
- For single aperture magnets covering both beams, beam 1 is used to describe
the polarity.
- Positive field points upwards - deflects beam 1 inwards (RH rule: index
finger in direction of motion of positive charge, middle finger in direction
of magnetic field B, thumb points in direction of force F). This agrees with
MAD definition.
Skew Dipole
- According to SR - rotate magnet clock wise by pi/2 - dipole field points
inwards (positive skew dipole) - deflects beam downwards. Not the same as
the MAD convention.
Dipole correctors
- A positive horizontal kick on beam 1 deflect beam outwards.
This implies a negative B field.
- A positive vertical kick on beam 1 deflects beam upwards.
This implies negative skew dipole - field point outwards
- The agreement seems to be that a postive current from the power converter
should give a postive kick. This mean connecting postive to the B terminal.
Postive gradient - vertical field increases along the outward pointing direction
- beam 1 is horizontally focused, beam 2 is defocused
2-in 1 magnets