­­­­­­LHC 2011 - latest news

Week 38: Machine coordinators: Eva Barbara Holzer and Jorg Wenninger

Luminosity production




Link to report from morning meeting

Mon 26th September

  • 7:30 Beam dump, QSP on RQX.R1, lost cryo in ITR1, 91 pb-1.
  • Cryo recovery.

8:30 meeting

Sun 25th September

  • 2:36 Stable beams fill #2152, 2.6E33 cm-2s-1, 1.2E11 p/bunch.
  • 4:53 Dump by cryogenics, temperature reading of a current lead in A45. 20 pb-1.
  • 9:21 fill #2153 dumped, trip of RQTF.A34B2 during squeeze
  • access for QPS, ATLAS and ALICE.
  • Steering of TI8.
  • 15:10 Stable beams fill #2155, 3.2E33 cm-2s-1, 1.3E11 p/bunch.
  • 15:45 Beam dump, PC fault on RQT13.R5B1, 6.5 pb-1.
  • 19:00 Stable beams fill #2156, 3.0E33 cm-2s-1, 1.3E11 p/bunch.

8:30 meeting

Sat 24th September

  • 03:40 S67 trip. Circuit breaker problem on QPS.
  • 06:00 Access for QPS to rearm circuit breaker.
  • No beam - booster problem.
  • 14:40 Stable beams fill #2150, 2.8E33 cm-2s-1, 1.28E11 p/bunch.
  • 19:20 Beam dump, S45 trip. 38 pb-1.
  • 0:06 Stable beams fill #2151, 2.7E33 cm-2s-1, 1.23E11 p/bunch.
  • 00:22 Dump by energy tracking of LBDS, 3 pb-1.

8:30 meeting


Fri 23rd September

  • Steering required once more in TI8.
  • 03:20 Stable beams filll #2143, 2.8E33 cm-2s-1, 1.25E11 p/bunch.
  • 03:30 Beam dump, loss spike L8 lead to trigger the TCTV BLMs. 1 pb-1.
  • Refill...
  • 07:30 Stable beams filll #2144, 2.8E33 cm-2s-1, 1.25E11 p/bunch.
  • 09:40 Beam dump, 20 pb-1. QPS trigger on triplet L1. Quench heaters fired, CS and CM lost.
  • Access and cryo recovery for ITL1.
  • 16:00 Transfer checks.
  • 17:45  Stable beams filll #2147, 2.8E33 cm-2s-1, 1.25E11 p/bunch.
  • Problems with DIP, vac. spikes in Pt2.
  • ATLAS has problems with its BLMs.
  • 22:15 Beam dump, 37 pb-1, QPS on RCBXH2.L1.
  • 22:40 Power cut in Meyrin.

8:30 meeting

Thu 22nd September

  • TI2 steering.
  • Vacuum much quieter in IR2.
  • 04:30 Stable beams fill #2138, 2.95E33 cm-2s-1.
  • 11:00 Beam dump. QPS on RSD2.A12B1.RSF2.A12B1, ROD.A12B1, ROF.A12B1. 53 pb-1.
  • Refilling. Self-trigger of LBDS.
  • 15:00 Stable beams fill #2140, 3E33 cm-2s-1, 1.2E11 p/bunch.
  • 20:55 Beam dump, 50 pb-1, RCBXH3.L2 trip, QPS trigger.

8:30 meeting


Wed 21st September

  • Fill # 2130, 2131, 2133, 2134 dumped by vacuum spikes left of IP2 (Fill # 2132 scrubbing at 450GeV).
  • 10:20 Stable beams fill #2135, 2.6E33 cm-2s-1. Lower bunch intensity (1.2E11/b).
  • 22:20 Beam dump, 70 pb-1. sector 45 trip, quench loop openend.

8:30 meeting

Tue 20th September

  • Problems with collimator TCP.D6L7.B1 - lost motor steps (twice).
  • 03:40 Stable beams fill #2127, 3.3E33 cm-2s-1.
  • 04:40 Beam dump, 7 pb-1. QPS on RQTL11.R7B2. Not clear what happened.
  • Refill.
  • 08:00 Beam lost in squeeze when QFB dragged tune onto 1/3 resonance (B2 H).
  • 10:00 Stable beams fill #2129, 3.25E33 cm-2s-1.
  • 14:15 RF issues, low lifetime. Increase of abort gap population. Problem with klystron polar loop on L1B1, Affected both beams (!?).
  • 20:25 Beam dump, 78 pb-1. B1 RF trip.

8:30 meeting


Mon 12th September

  • 01:44 Stable beams fill #2124.
  • 11:20 Beam dumped, QPS on Q7L5. 78 pb-1.
  • Sector 34 trip at injection, Q7.L4.
  • Precycle. Access by EPC in Pt4 for 48 V supply Q7.L4B2. BLM team in in Pt2.
  • 17:00 Precycle.
  • 18:00 Injecting again.
  • 19:45 Beam dumped at injection. B2 horizontally unstable, tune off.
  • Refill.
  • 22:20 Stable beams fill #2126, 3.18E33 cm-2s-1.
  • 22:40 Beam dump, 3 pb-1. RF B1 arc detection.

8:30 meeting