Commissioning meeting - 20th January 2009
Katy Foraz's tentative schedule for 2009 for up for discussion (shown in public at the last LHC PERC)
Following shutdown activities, we will have in parallel, across sectors:
- QPS re-commissioning and IST, characterization etc.
- Powering tests
- Main circuits including QDS maps etc
- Other circuits
- Dry runs PGC, ramp and squeeze tests etc., injection, dump, controls
- Cold checkout MPS – system commissioning PIC, BIS, system inputs
- Possible transfer line and injection tests
- 3 weeks powering tests for sector that have not been fully warmed up, 4 weeks for those that have, 5 weeks for sector 34.
- Clearly need to optimize powering tests to minimize effect on access, experiments etc. - parallel main circuit commissioning etc
- Urgent that boundary conditions (Safety Commission) for access during powering tests are established soon,
- Main circuit commissioning to be put explicitly in the planning
- NB also major activities going on elsewhere e.g. relocation of equipment in IR7 etc.
- Powering tests will also include calorimetric measurements, QPS segment maps etc. - to be declared formally as a part of HWC
- Possibility of taking beam before power tests fully finished (again). Reduced machine protection qualification accepted in this phase (as discussed in MPP and indeed as in place in September 2008).
Magali & Laurette's slides - here
- During sector shutdown - general access
- Cooldown/ELQA - restricted mode (without the need to close the intersite doors (?))
- At what point does responsibility switch from Shutdown to HWC?
- Long discussion on requirements/access control during restricted access.
- Reimplement ADIs - help to deal with conflicting requests - plus possibility of EIC permitting access without ADI
- Need a group level channel (as for cryo) to compile and filter access requests
- Going to need shifts to cover restricted mode access control (OP).
- Discussion in progress regarding interlocking powering of main circuits and access (Markus Zerlauth, Laurette et al) - nothing concrete for the moment. Two cases to cover:
- Letting someone in during powering tests.
- Powering unintentionally while access ongoing.
- Patrols - eternal issue
- A pool of people to be called upon to perform patrols when necessary (Confirm with Ghislain about who's to organize this.)
- Less patrols - better access discipline - appropriate scheduling of access and powering tests etc (e.g. not every evening)
- Thoroughness of patrols - if safety is an issue this must be done properly. We must not accept the situation where "patrolled" does not necessarily mean that there is no one in the sector.
- The EIC is the ENFORCER IN CHARGE - reiterating the chain of command.
Tools are required to enable the operative to easily see what powering tests are in progress, what restrictions apply, possible automatic locking/unlocking of circuits. Requirements to be specified - follow-up required.
Mike Lamont