450 GeV - preliminary commissioning
Completed 2009 and repeated start of March 2010
Last update 3/3/2010
Aim: Get the machine in a good enough shape that we can sensibly start
performing detailed adjustment and measurements and checks. No point in details
if we're not sure the basic optics is not correct and the beam instrumentation
isn't working properly. Prerequisite for safely increasing the number of bunches plus
Prerequisites: reasonable lifetime, circulating pilot, well adjusted tunes, chromaticity, orbit and coupling
- Polarities and aperture checked.
- Basic optics checks performed.
- First pass commissioning of BI performed.
- Phase 1 of machine protection system commissioning performed.
Additional aims
- Test the control and correction (corrector polarity, cabling, control
system, software, procedures, …).
- Commission beam loss monitors - acquisition, display etc., connection to BIC, threshold checks with beam
- Commission beam dump - phase 1
- Commission beam interlock system with beam - phase 1. BIC to dump
with beam. Check.
- Commission transverse diagnostics: BPMs - capture mode, tune PLL, RF frequency modulation
- Measurement program with pilots: polarities, aperture (first pass), beating
- Linear optics checks: check trajectory versus kick, phase advance,
BPM and corrector polarity.
- Adjust tunes, orbit, chromaticity, coupling.
- Commission BCTs: lifetime measurement
Beam |
Task |
Who |
How long |
Status |
B2 |
RF commissioning with circulating pilot |
RF |
8 hours |
B1 |
RF commissioning with circulating pilot |
RF |
8 hours |
B2 |
BBQ systems FFT1 (continous/logging and FFT2 (on-demand/system for fooling around with various settings) |
Fully commissioned |
B1 |
BBQ systems FFT1 (continous/logging and FFT2 (on-demand/system for fooling around with various settings) |
B2 |
Lifetime optimisation - tune, chromaticity, orbit
Measure coupling
Check Q and Q' coupling trims
Basic optics checks |
OP |
2*8 hours |
- Lifetime looks OK but still issue with "the hump" particularly in vertical plane - also evidenced by blow-up
- Chromaticity to measure & check properly
- Trims to be checked properly
B1 |
Lifetime optimisation - tune, chromaticity, orbit
Measure coupling
Check Q and Q' coupling trims
Basic optics checks |
OP |
2*8 hours |
- clearly better, in general, to beam 2
B1/B2 |
Reproducibility following cycling |
OP |
4*2 hours (at appropriate times) |
Excellent with pre-cycling |
B2 |
Fast BCT |
4 hours |
OK |
B1 |
Fast BCT |
4 hours |
OK |
B2 |
DC BCT & lifetime |
OK |
B1 |
DC BCT & lifetime |
OK |
B2 |
Commission BPM capture |
OK |
B1 |
Commission BPM capture |
OK |
B1/B2 |
Beam dump with circulating beam - phase 1 |
LBDS team |
3*8 hours |
- RF <-> kicker timing (bunch 1 in bucket 1).
- Abort gap keeper.
- aperture of extracted beam.
- sweep form. - aperture of circulating beam.
- full LBDS BI checks.
- tidy up of arming sequences (I&D, C&D, programmed dump, ...).
- bringing up XPOC for BI. |
B2 |
Initial collimator commissioning |
Coll team |
8 hours |
first pass - looks good |
B1 |
Initial collimator commissioning |
Coll team |
8 hours |
first pass |
B1/B2 |
First look at GOFB |
RS & Gauls |
2*8 hours |
OK - issue with rouge RT packet |
1. Initial Tuning of 450 GeV Machine
- Now should have a captured beam - work on the machine parameters to
improve the lifetime.
- Commission key Instrumentation
- Q-meter pickup and Q-kicker
- Set-up BPM timing - check with BDI at what point this is needed.
Might be later?
- Commission timing for Wirescanners. Not much point for the BEUV
- Beam loss monitoring on a circulating beam. Ring BLM's, special
BLM's etc. Averaging instead of single pass ...
- Measure and correct Orbit, Tune and Chromaticity - using standard
- Work on the orbit in IR3, IR7 and IR6 to establish a nice clean reference.
2. Systematic Pickup and Corrector Polarity Check and Aperture Scan
- Pickups:
- Best done using single kicks and looking at the difference orbits.
- Several Kicks in each plane with differing phase advance- and different
correctors in case of polarity error!
- Probable relatively small kicks are best (~1-2mm?) avoid
non-linear fields.
- Correctors:
- Probably best to use a continuously sliding 3-bump, or some such and
look at non-closure.
- Apply a 1-2mm bump at a location and look at the rms of the difference
orbit... we are looking for polarity errors - not minor optics errors.
- Change bump sign and repeat.
- Increase bump until a) lifetime bad, b) beam is dumped, c) beam is lost
etc. depending on state of the machine!! Need to identify
criteria and decide what we are measuring - since the higher order
correction systems are not on and non-linear effects have not been attacked.
I guess we are looking for relatively large aperture problems. We
might be able to use this study as a first pass BLM calibration.
4. Revisit the Injection Settings
- Now can imagine roughly positioning the TDI, TCLI - ie coarse settings
here as well.
- Using matching monitors in IR4 can now look at transfer line matching -
correct optics of the line
5. Initial Commissioning of the Beam Dump.
- Measure orbit in IR6 - probably still based on averaging the first n
- Put beam dump into inject/dump mode - how many turns between injection and
dumping. Initially leave several.
- Septa ON, dilution kickers (probably) OFF, extraction line screens in.
- Might be a good idea to put the TCDQ in before starting with the kickers -
to protect somewhat the downstream parts
- Set-up extraction kickers (timing and kick). Observe and correct
trajectory using using the screens.
- Screens at:
- Upstream of the TDCS (MSD) - adjust with kickers
- Just downstream of the diluter kickers - adjust with septum
- On the Beam Dump block.
& re-visit
- Re-optimize based on the reference orbit in IR6 and with (hopefully) the
correct tunes.
- Commission and then Arm the Position/Angle beam dump system in IR6.
- Check and correct the TCDQ settings.
- Commission the dilution kicker part of the dump? This is needed
before multi-bunch injection.
6. Other Measurements/ Corrections
- Coupling, Dispersion : limited by BPM precision and Q-measurement
precision. Would like Q-history working here.
- First go at Beta-beating - same problem, but get an idea.
- Too early for K-modulation?
- Look at orbit kicks - maybe send the boys in to re-align?
- Note that some correctors are common to the two beams. In addition
some quad effects are opposite for the 2 beams.
- so don't go too far with one beam without looking with the other!
- When to commission the undulator to get the synchrotron light monitor
working - check with BDI on intensity.
- ... must be some others ..
System |
State |
Action |
Equipment |
Injection Kickers and Septa |
On-axis injection optimised |
Operational |
Off |
Power Converters |
All circuits available, cycling to predefined energy
possible |
Check all tolerances, monitoring |
RF |
Capture |
RF - TFB |
Not needed |
RF - LFB |
Not needed |
Machine protection |
Not needed at this stage |
Coarse positioning |
Coarse positioning |
Collimators |
Coarse positioning |
Beam Dump |
Commission at 450 GeV |
Beam Interlock Controller |
Controls, in particular |
Orbit Feedback |
Data acquisition - first trials - not needed operationally |
Instrumentation |
Beam Loss Monitors |
See machine protection |
Beam Current Transformers |
Commission |
Beam Position Monitors |
Commission |
Wire Scanners |
Low priority |
Synchrotron Light Monitor |
Low priority |
Screens |
Not with circulating beam - check interlocks |
Tune measurement |
Commission |
Chromaticity measurement |
With Dp/p |
Abort gap monitor |
Not needed |
Radiation monitors |
Check |
Residual gas monitors |
Low priority |
Technical Infrastructure |
Beam Vacuum
Cooling and Ventilation
Cryogenics Plant
Cryostat Instrumentation
Electrical Network
Insulation Vacuum
Powering Interlock
QRL Instrumentation
QRL Vacuum
Quench Protection
Radiation Monitors
Soft Interlocks |
Taken as given. Commissioning particulars which relate to beam. |